Saturday, February 26, 2011

Redmine Java Connector 0.7 Released

We are happy to announce the first release of Redmine Java Connector (RedmineJConnector) at It is a Java based client side API for Redmine.

The product is born out of necessity. We were desperate for a Java based Redmine Client library which can help us to interact with Redmine from our projects. The use case was to help the users to create an issue in Redmine System in case there is any bug or feature request. However we were not able to find any library matching to such requirements. So this product is the result of this requirement, and now we are using it with our projects also.

Redmine Java Connector is capable to interact with Redmine( Server using its Rest API. Redmine provides API for various CRUD operations on Projects, Issues, and Users etc. This connector helps to interact with this API using Java based Connector API, without going into details of Redmine Rest API.

System picks its various configuration like Server Address, and Security Key etc from configuration file. Its build is based on ANT.

Sample Code: You can find the sample code with Test Case
Documentation: Run the build with 'javadoc' target, and you will get the documentation in 'javadocs' folder

Various dependencies are:
  • Redmine - Version 1.1.0 or above
  • ANT - For building the application
  • JIBX - For Java to XML and XML to Java conversion
  • Restlet - For accessing Rest API of Redmine
  • Commons Logging and Log4J - For Logging purpose
  • Junit - For test cases
System is developed on Java, hence should be able to run on all platforms. However it is tested on Windows environment with Java 6.

The system is under active development, and more features will be added soon.

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