How to Install Redmine 2 - A Project Management Tool

This article will describes the steps to install Redmine Version 2. Please read it in conjunction with our article about installation of previous version of Redmine at

Please follow these steps: 
  1. Install MySQL
  2. Download RubyInstaller and Install Ruby ( )
  3. Download RubyGem and extract the package ( )
  4. Run 'ruby setup.rb' in RubyGem root folder
  5. Run 'gem install rails'
  6. Download MySQL dll from -
  7. Save this file in <ruby-installation-folder>/bin
  8. Run 'gem install mysql'
    1. It may give you an message telling from where you can get the compatible libmysql.dll. If you get this, download it from there and put in  <ruby-installation-folder>/bin
  9. Download DevKit-tdm-32-4.5.2-20111229-1559-sfx.exe ( )
  10. Extra it in <ruby-installation-folder>/DevKit
  11. Run following commands in DevKit folder
    1. ruby dk.rb init
    2. ruby dk.rb review
    3. ruby dk.rb install
  12. Run 'bundle install --without development test rmagick postgresql sqlite'
  13. Go to MySQL prompt and run following queries
    1. create database redmine character set utf8;
    2. create user 'redmine'@'localhost' identified by 'my_password';
    3. grant all privileges on redmine.* to 'redmine'@'localhost';
  14. Go to config folder of Redmine and update database.yml file for MySQL password
  15. Run following commands to configure the database
    1. set RAILS_ENV=production
    2. rake db:migrate
    3. rake redmine:load_default_data
  16. Now Redmine is installed. You can run the server as
    1. ruby script/rails server webrick -e production
  17. Once server is started, you can access redmine at http://localhost:3000. Default admin user name and password is: 
    1. User Name - admin
    2. Password - admin
Redmine should be working fine by now. Sometime there might be problems with various gem installations. We have covered many of these cases, like:
  • 'json' native gems requires installed build tools
  • Problem in installing rmagick
  • Problem in installing mysql gem or problem while loading data
    • activerecord-mysql-adapter not found
  • If you don't have right libmysql.dll, it may result in many errors while migrating database like
    • mysql not connected
    • Incorrect buffer type used
    • Or process gets hanged
    • and so on

For more information, please refer to .

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  • Posting your comments which will add value to the article contents
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Vedic Math - Base Multiplication

Note: Vedic Math Blog has been moved to Please bookmark the new address for new and existing blogs.

Today, we are going to learn the GENERAL formula of multiplication. This is simple and easy technique and good part is that it is applied to almost all the cases. This method works better when numbers are near their base value. After going through the below discussed method, you will see that multiplication tables are not required for calculation above 5 x 5. You will be able to do all types of multiplication involving bigger multiplicands and multipliers quickly and easily; like for '789789 × 999997'. All the sutras (formulae) of Vedic Math are short and simple; and with the practice of the techniques, most of the calculations become a playful experience for you.

Following is the sutra that we will follow today:

The formulae (sutras) are : “All from 9 and the last from 10” and "Vertically and Crosswise"
The algebraical expression is :(x+a) (x+b) = x (x+a+b) + ab.

From the title of the article, you can understand that today we shall do the multiplication by taking the base of numbers. So, first we need to be familiar what is 'base'. The term ‘base’ in Vedic Math has a broader meaning than you may be used to. We work in a base 10 number system, but within Vedic Math the ‘base’ is the number you will use as a basis for calculation. The numbers taken can be either less or more than the base considered. The difference between the number and the base is termed as deviation. Deviation may be positive or negative.

Now observe the following table.

Number      Base         Number – Base       Deviation
   13             10                  13 - 10                      3

    7              10                     7 - 10                    -3

   89             100                  89 - 100                -11

 1110           1000             1110 - 1000              110

99998          100000       99998 - 100000            -2

So, the deviation obtained are from "All from 9 and the last from 10" sutra (formula).

Following are the cases which we shall discuss here:
A. Numbers are below the base number
B. Numbers are above the base number
C. One number is above the base and the other number is below it
D. Numbers are not near the base number, but are near a multiple of the base number, like 20, 30, 50 , 250 , 600 etc
E. Numbers near different bases like multiplier is near to different base and multiplicand is near to different base

Let us discuss these cases one by one.

A. Numbers are below the base number

Working with Base 10
Let us take an easy and simple example to start this technique. Suppose we have to multiply 6 by 8.
Now the base is 10. Since it is near to both the numbers.
Place the two numbers 6 and 8 above and below on the lefthand side (as shown below). Subtract the base value (i.e. 10 in this case) from both of the numbers and write down the remainders (i.e. 4 and 2) on the right-hand side with their deviation sign (-).

6 x 8